Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Guardian 100

Guardian 100

1.The Guardian is in the 7 year history of the media 100. Old media is on the wane, and among the biggest-ever group of new entrants are the leading lights of the digital future. As we present the people who wield the most power in the British media industry, John Plunkett reports on how the panel reached its decisions.

The Panellists - A panel of experienced media watchers from the worlds of politics, journalism, advertising and the internet judged entrants using three criteria: cultural influence, economic clout and political power of all candidates.

2. There are 19 women in the top 100. Lesley Douglas, Jana Bennett, Jenny Abramsky, Rebekha Wade, Helen Boaden, Sly Bailey, Lisa Opie, Marjorie Scardorie, Carolyn McCall, Zarin Patel + More . . .

Lesley Douglas (No 9 in top 100)
Job: controller, BBC Radio 2 and 6Music; controller, BBC popular musicIndustry: broadcasting2006 ranking: 37
Jana Bennett (11)
Job: director of vision, BBCIndustry: broadcasting 2006 ranking: 8
Jenny Abramsky (18)
Job: director, BBC audio and musicIndustry: broadcasting2006 ranking: 11
Rebekah Wade (23)
Job: editor, the SunIndustry: publishing2006 ranking: 12
Helen Boaden (29)
Job: director, BBC newsIndustry: broadcasting2006 ranking: 17
Sly Bailey (36)
Job: chief executive, Trinity MirrorIndustry: publishing2006 ranking: 32
Lisa Opie (38)
Job: managing director, content, Channel FiveIndustry: broadcastingNew entry
Marjorie Scardino (41)
Job: chief executive, PearsonIndustry: publishing, new media2006 ranking: 36
Carolyn McCall (46)
Job: chief executive, Guardian Media GroupIndustry: publishing, broadcasting, new media2006 ranking: 94

10. Zarin Patel (49)
Job: group finance director, BBC; non-executive director, BBC WorldwideIndustry: broadcasting New entry

4. 19% of 100 is women.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Post Femenist

The film that I chose to look at in comparison to 'Flight Plan' is 'Provoked' which is a film that has the bollywood actress, Ashwarya Rai.'Flight Plan':In the film, post feminism is shown in the character Jodie because she behaves in the film as she is a male. E.g. in the film, Jodie is looking after her daughter and her behaves with her daughter is as if she is a father to her as well as a mother. She does this by protecting her from every problem even the weather. Jodie dresses like a male in the film because she wears a long coat and trousers. By this Jodie does not dress as a female but dresses more smart that makes her look like a male character.Jodie is shown as a independent character in the film and this is because at the beginning of the film, she is looking after her daughter alone and providing for her. E.g. when she loses her at the airport and takes up the responsibility of looking for her herself. Another way that post feminism is shown in the film is because Jodie is put across as a strong character. E.g. when she loses her daughter in the plane, she does not give up hope on finding her and looks in to the area where all the luggage is and keeps fighting to find her daughter even when no one believes her. This shows her as strong because she is able to deal with the problems that are being given to her and even though no one believes her, she is fighting for her daughter. 'Provoked':Post feminism is shown in this film because at first the female in the character is shown as vulnerable and weak because she is the victim of rape from her husband. In addition, throughout the film the actress begins to fight back to her husband because of what he is doing to her. She then murders him which shows her fighting for her rights and taking control of the situation. This is something that would not be acceptable behaviour by females in the media and shows for a change females sticking up for themselves.Ashwarya Rai is sent to jail for murder of her husband. She then begins to get bullied by other females in the jail. The actress then begins to stand for her rights and fights back by beating them up and cuts them. This portrays her as using male behaviour which is most likely expected by males. Ashwarya Rai is also represented as proving a point that females can stand up for themselves. E.g. Ashwarya Rai escaped from jail to prove her innocence and prove that her husband was wrong. She also helps other females who are in the same situation that she was. This connotes that the character is making a point that females can get out of this problem and not always be victims for rape and abuse. The character is represented as independent because she comes out of jail and looks after her children herself. This makes the female character be shown as independent because she can get through her problems herself.The two films show post feminism because both films look at the independence of females as in the film the two female characters are shown as independent. E.g. the female character in 'Provoked' is shown as independent when looking after her children alone and Jodie is shown as independent when also looking after her children. By this we can tell that both films are similar in showing post feminism in the film and in the character. In 'Flight Plan', Jodie also is shown as a strong character because when everyone gives up on her daughter, she still has the faith that she is going to find her daughter. Similarily, this is similar to the female character in 'Provoked' because she is also fighting against her husband and the bullies in the jail. By this we can tell that the films are very similar as they both represent females as strong and independent and by this feamles are being given more of a importance in films to overcome the stereotypes of females.

by Aqeel

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Wikipedia - Case Study.


1. Owner of the Website: Wikimedia Foundation. Jimmy Wales, Larry Sanger.
2. They also own Wikipedia and wikihow. They have no traditional other media websites!
3. Wikipedia own, ,

4. Wikipedia's revenue for the year is $70080000.
5. The Value of Wikipedia - $224,910,378

6. >>1 fact - Wiki pedia have 2 926 000+ articles .....

>>2 fact - A Free Enclyclopedia.....

>> 3 fact - Wikipedia is a non-profit organisation.....

>>4 fact - Wikipedia is a non-commertial website......

>>5 fact - Wikipedia is 8 years old and was launched on 15th January 2001.

7. >> 260 Languages >> 13,000,000 articles >> 65 million visitors

8. Greenford high school article.

>> Ms Griffin has been the head teacher from 1991

>> the school was built in 1939

>> Specialised Language college

>> The School has a 6th form

>> The uniform of the schools students are black.

8a. )

>> Represents the organization; serves as its public face as appropriate
>> Oversees marketing, media relations, public relations and issues management activities
>> Ensures compliance with all appropriate regulation

>> Ensures compliance with all appropriate regulations
>>Ensures appropriate information flow both within and outside the organization;

Key Information:

Main homepage

Todays featured article, Did you know??, In the news, on this day, todays featured picture, other areas of wikipedia, wikipedias sister projects, wikipedia languages.

Sunday, 28 June 2009

5 Best Videos

I Chose this video as my favourite vido as it had some good information given throughout the video. the colours used and images were also very good. a high level of creativity was also used for the video and the video was also straight forward and easy to understand

This was my second best video as i think that the information that was provided was good andthere was also images shown. I think that the video could be better is shots were slower so more time was given to read each point.

This was my third favourite video. i think the amout of creativity used in this video was very good as the way the writing on the notepad and typing on the laptop was. i think this viedo also gave out a good amount of information but could be better with more images.

this video was my fourth best as it had a good amount of information given and the idea of bringing in different papers with information on them was a very creative idea. this video was also very colourful but Ebi would be if more pictures were used from the internet as examples.

this was my fifth video as it had a good amoutn of information provided in the video. it was very simple but also straight forward to understand what the message in the video was. the video could have been better by adding pictures and a little bit of colour.

Self Evaluation 4 Video

Jawaria and I worked together on our video. the feedback which we received from our class was quite possitive. we got level 2,3 and 4's. This was good feedback. we god mainly level 3/4 for Aesthetics. This shows we has a good video although it could be better for the people who gave us level 3's. Some classmates said it could have been set out in a better way and it could have been more colourful. Jawaria and I came up with a creative idea of adding the soundtrack of 'Windows Remix', in the classes opinion this was also a creative idea as the soundtrack went with the video. The class assessed the video as a whole and decided that the WWW was that we has a creative soundtrack and has good information about how the internet has changed. the EBI was that we could have had slower edits and the slides could have been more lenghty.

Monday, 22 June 2009

Internet User and Television Viewer

An Internet user and a Television Viewer has totally different defenitions. An internet user is sommeone who can communicate with different people and different information in 2 different ways which are many to many, one to one and one to many. this is because the internet is so popular and well known today that everything is available on it. E.g. by being an internet user you can comminicate, shop, watch movies, watch programmes, play music, read news. the most important thing is that an internet viewer can do this all in their own time. a tevevision viewer would only be able to watch all this when it is being broadcasted or if they record it. they would not be able to watch last weeks episode of a soap unless they record it whereas internet users would have the facility to view this easily. internet users would have much more freedom to information than tv viewers, this is because they are open to anything available on the internet.

I think that i am more of a Internet user as if i wanted to find out any information about anything i could inherit a lot more from the internet than the television. E.g. if a certain song is played on Tv. you would only be able to hear it there and then, on the internet you can listen to it whenever you want and how many times you want. i also think that as a whole the internet suits me more as i can do whatever i want in my own time. E.g. i can watch my movies, programmes when i am free to watch them rather than staying commited to a certain time everyday to sit infront of the Tv.

Friday, 19 June 2009

DiGiTaL BriTaIn RePoRt

Key points about the report above:

  • Lord Carter will introduce plans to clamp down on internet music and video piracy to ensure that people are not stealing someone elses music or copywriting. This means that there will be more security on the internet.

  • By the time of the London Olympics everyone will be able to get an internet connection which is as fast enough to watch games live on the internet so that children also know how to protect themselves on the internet. This will ensure that there is less crime on the internet involving children. The internet will be targetted at a speed of at least 2Mb per second nationwide.

  • Lord Cater is to also create a next generation of super fast broadband networks. This means that people will be able to download music tracks in seconds and movies in just a few minutes. This means that there will be less waiting for people and the downloads will be instant rather than people waiting for a long time. This will allow the internet to be more popular due to the fast broadband networks.

  • Lord Carter is also aiming to look at the subject of digital education in the UK which will aim to increase digital literacy. This will mean that young children will be able to have more educational resources available on the internet including videogames to teach them.

Key points about the article above:

  • Lord Carter has said that 1.5 million households might get access to the next generarion broadband as at the moment it is estimated that 2.75 million homes have no access to a connection at this speed. This will show Lord Carter's commitment to ensure everyone has access to the internet. This also means that the internet will become more popular by the next generation and more people will be able to have access to the internet in their homes.

  • Lord Carter has also said that landline users will pay £6 a year towards the superfast broadband which will be from the BBC's digital switchover help scheme. This will help meet the £200 million annual cost of providing consumers with universal access. This will help consumers get a faster internet connection sooner so that they do not have to wait a long time on the internet but is instant.

  • Lord Carter has stated that by 2012 that consumers should recieve at least 2MBps connection on the internet. This is because by this there will be able to more Public Service's online which will mean that consumers will be able to access Public Services on the web anytime. This connotes that the internet will become more popular as people will be able to acces Public Services online and view what they would like to.

  • An extra of 50p would be given by customers of broadband in order to get a copper line, this would guarantee and upgrade the fixed line network as internet is very important to be guaranrteed and upgraded as it is used by most people. This will be worked on by BT and Virgin Media which will help them raise £175 million a year.

Key points of the article above:

  • Video games will be more protected on the internet as there will be a service which will ensure that games are not being copywrited and are not being stolen.
  • Lord Carter will work with the five UK mobile networks to make the internet cheaper for customers as BT will be too expensive for customers. By this customers are able to access the internet at a cheaper price and more customers will be persuaded to use the internet which will increase the popularity of the internet.
  • By using the UK's five mobile networks, Lord Carter is able to push 3G mobile phone broadmand to more than the 80% of customers which are already attracted. By this more customers are able to use the internet where ever they are and have 24/7 access.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009