Key points about the report above:
- Lord Carter will introduce plans to clamp down on internet music and video piracy to ensure that people are not stealing someone elses music or copywriting. This means that there will be more security on the internet.
- By the time of the London Olympics everyone will be able to get an internet connection which is as fast enough to watch games live on the internet so that children also know how to protect themselves on the internet. This will ensure that there is less crime on the internet involving children. The internet will be targetted at a speed of at least 2Mb per second nationwide.
- Lord Cater is to also create a next generation of super fast broadband networks. This means that people will be able to download music tracks in seconds and movies in just a few minutes. This means that there will be less waiting for people and the downloads will be instant rather than people waiting for a long time. This will allow the internet to be more popular due to the fast broadband networks.
- Lord Carter is also aiming to look at the subject of digital education in the UK which will aim to increase digital literacy. This will mean that young children will be able to have more educational resources available on the internet including videogames to teach them.
Key points about the article above:
- Lord Carter has said that 1.5 million households might get access to the next generarion broadband as at the moment it is estimated that 2.75 million homes have no access to a connection at this speed. This will show Lord Carter's commitment to ensure everyone has access to the internet. This also means that the internet will become more popular by the next generation and more people will be able to have access to the internet in their homes.
- Lord Carter has also said that landline users will pay £6 a year towards the superfast broadband which will be from the BBC's digital switchover help scheme. This will help meet the £200 million annual cost of providing consumers with universal access. This will help consumers get a faster internet connection sooner so that they do not have to wait a long time on the internet but is instant.
- Lord Carter has stated that by 2012 that consumers should recieve at least 2MBps connection on the internet. This is because by this there will be able to more Public Service's online which will mean that consumers will be able to access Public Services on the web anytime. This connotes that the internet will become more popular as people will be able to acces Public Services online and view what they would like to.
- An extra of 50p would be given by customers of broadband in order to get a copper line, this would guarantee and upgrade the fixed line network as internet is very important to be guaranrteed and upgraded as it is used by most people. This will be worked on by BT and Virgin Media which will help them raise £175 million a year.
Key points of the article above:
- Video games will be more protected on the internet as there will be a service which will ensure that games are not being copywrited and are not being stolen.
- Lord Carter will work with the five UK mobile networks to make the internet cheaper for customers as BT will be too expensive for customers. By this customers are able to access the internet at a cheaper price and more customers will be persuaded to use the internet which will increase the popularity of the internet.
- By using the UK's five mobile networks, Lord Carter is able to push 3G mobile phone broadmand to more than the 80% of customers which are already attracted. By this more customers are able to use the internet where ever they are and have 24/7 access.
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